Tuesday, April 22, 2008

YouTube's filtering issues still not 'moot'

Youtube has finally started to catch up to the rampant illegal copyrighted content that is uploaded to its site.  
"We are in the process of developing tools which are called 'Claim Your Content,'" Schmidt said at the National Association of Broadcasters 2007 conference. "If people tell us this is a licensed copy, our computers will automatically detect that an illegal copy has been uploaded and then automatically delete it."
This will go a long way in making the site less liable and its users more aware of the content that they post on the site.  Thus, Youtube has taken a positive step in limiting their legal liability and in preventing their users from making them liable as well.  
This is exactly what I would do if I were to run Youtube.  Unfortunately we like in an age in which many people will attempt to get around Youtube's barriers (for example post a movie in ten minute clips to get around the ten minute barrier Youtube originally implemented).  Therefore, this is a great step Youtube has imposed in an attempt to prevent lawsuits. 

1 comment:

DallasGoldBug said...

Your kidding, right? Good step toward what? This whole liable crap has to stop in this country. I'm about to round up all these thin skinned lawyers and stick them in a Gym, filled with a bunch a Jocks, and remind them of what it was like back when they got their asses reddened playing bombardment. Oh, I better be careful, might hurt their feelings and cause them to suffer post traumatic stress disorder.

Freedom of speech, is freedom of speech! No little but here as long as you don't upset someone and point out the fact that their product sucks which causes them to loose profits. We all know thats whats its all about, sure America say whatever you want, we live in a free counter...just don't say F obama, CNN is evil, Corporations should not be able to fund or contribute to a candidate running for office. In fact when did a corporation get the right to have any say in an election created by the people for the people.

Remember you can say anything you want about anyone, as long as you can prove you truly believe it.

So as for You-tube, WHO HAS BEEN FILTERING MY POSTS, search my user name and you'll see the proof I posted, watch out! We know what your up to, don't think for a sec that we are not using new technology to build a global communication network that can not be filtered or shut down.

I strongly believe we are quickly approaching a time when technology will surpass the choke hold the powers that be have relied on for centuries to keep the public in the dark about the truth. But its exponential growth is touching people and liberating them from having to depend on Big Businesses to live. When that day comes technology will turn and bite the hand of those who try to keep it from the public. I only hope Im around to see that day.